SANDAL (Chandan)
During the summer
•Use sandalwood powder as a paste and apply it all over the body especially in the hot and sweet areas like armpit, groin and forehead etc. it prevents excess of sweating due to contracting the pores.
For Headache
•For Headache: Apply a thin layer of camphor and sandal paste over the side of head(Temple area) and it helpful to reduce the Headache.
In skin Erruptions
•In Skin Eruptions: A paste of sandalwood has a cooling effect on the eruptive skin conditions like erysipelas.
Side Effects
•In sensitive people it cal lead to Dermalities
•The essential sandalwood oil is contraindicated in pregnancy
•Avoid sandalwood oil in children below two years age
•Avoid sandalwood oil in severe kidney and liver associated disorders
•The sandalwood oil should not used in the delicate areas of skin like eyelids and mucus membranes.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009

In Sanskrit Pawan means air .This asana helps to remove the internal gas in the stomach hence this asana is known as PAWANMUKTASANA
•Lie Down Comfortably On a plane surface on your back
•Take Breathe in.
•Then fold the left leg from the knees.
•Hold the fingers together and bring the folded leg to touch the stomach.
•Raise the head and tap the nose to the knee. The other leg remains straight. Hold the breath.
•Come to original position and leave the breath.
•Follow the same for the other leg.
Key Words
•This asana can also be done with both the knees folded
•Removes Gas
•Reduces gas
•Reduces abdominal fat
•Flexibility of knees increases
•Hips are also become Flexible
Power Yoga - Total Body Workout
Yoga For Beginners
In Sanskrit pad means leg and kamala means lotus .In this asana the shape of the legs are like a lotus hence this asana is known as Padmasana or Kamalasana .
•In this asana the concentration is on AAGYACHAKRA or ANAHATA CHAKRA
•Breath is in Rechak Purak and Kumbhak .
•Sit properly and straight in the plane surface.
•With performing RECHAK keep your right leg on your left THIGH and then keep left leg on your right THIGH
•PALATE are in upper direction and your HEEL is in down your NAVEL
•KNEES are on the surface and keep the Head, lungs, Backbone, Throat very straight and tight
•Both your hands is in Gyan Mudra
•After Rechak perform Kumbhak ,in starting if you are unable put your both legs on your thigh then do not need to be upset because this will be happen with little time .Just do your regular practice.
Key Words
•This asana is not for patient having any problem related to legs or having any pain in the lower side
•Initiate from one minute and increase it to one hour.
•With the help of this asana the nervous system become strong and person achieve good health
•This asana removes dullness and increase your confidence, reduces the fear factor and mind become relaxed
•This asana is best for problem related to sleeping and also reduces obesity.
•Memory Becomes Sharp and fast.
In Sanskrit pad means leg and kamala means lotus .In this asana the shape of the legs are like a lotus hence this asana is known as Padmasana or Kamalasana .
•In this asana the concentration is on AAGYACHAKRA or ANAHATA CHAKRA
•Breath is in Rechak Purak and Kumbhak .
•Sit properly and straight in the plane surface.
•With performing RECHAK keep your right leg on your left THIGH and then keep left leg on your right THIGH
•PALATE are in upper direction and your HEEL is in down your NAVEL
•KNEES are on the surface and keep the Head, lungs, Backbone, Throat very straight and tight
•Both your hands is in Gyan Mudra
•After Rechak perform Kumbhak ,in starting if you are unable put your both legs on your thigh then do not need to be upset because this will be happen with little time .Just do your regular practice.
Key Words
•This asana is not for patient having any problem related to legs or having any pain in the lower side
•Initiate from one minute and increase it to one hour.
•With the help of this asana the nervous system become strong and person achieve good health
•This asana removes dullness and increase your confidence, reduces the fear factor and mind become relaxed
•This asana is best for problem related to sleeping and also reduces obesity.
•Memory Becomes Sharp and fast.
Friday, August 21, 2009

This asana gives divine power that’s why this asana is known as Sidhhasana.This asana is like by the saints of India.This asana is said to be best in all the asana.
•Concentration is on Aagyachakra and breath is normal.
•Sit Properly and comfotabely in the plane surface .Then put left knee in between the Anus and Vagina
•Now put your right leg in the vagina such that there should be no pressure on the vagina and internal parts. You can also change your leg positions.
•The Palate is in mid of the Thigh and Palm is in kept on one upon another having in up direction.
•Now Concentrate on Aagyachakra and take normal breath.
Key Points
•This asana can be performed from three to five minutes
•With the help of this asana the mind can be controlled
•Person facing night fall problem have to perform this asana regularly
•This Strengthen the Nervous System and Digestion System
•Heart Problem
•Night fall Problem
•Fear Elements
•Griping Problem
•Asthma Problem
•Improves Memory Power
In Sanskrit pad means leg and kamala means lotus .In this asana the shape of the legs are like a lotus hence this asana is known as Padmasana or Kamalasana .
•In this asana the concentration is on AAGYACHAKRA or ANAHATA CHAKRA
•Breath is in Rechak Purak and Kumbhak .
•Sit properly and straight in the plane surface.
•With performing RECHAK keep your right leg on your left THIGH and then keep left leg on your right THIGH
•PALATE are in upper direction and your HEEL is in down your NAVEL
•KNEES are on the surface and keep the Head, lungs, Backbone, Throat very straight and tight
•Both your hands is in Gyan Mudra
•After Rechak perform Kumbhak ,in starting if you are unable put your both legs on your thigh then do not need to be upset because this will be happen with little time .Just do your regular practice.
Key Words•This asana is not for patient having any problem related to legs or having any pain in the lower side
•Initiate from one minute and increase it to one hour.
•With the help of this asana the nervous system become strong and person achieve good health
•This asana removes dullness and increase your confidence, reduces the fear factor and mind become relaxed
•This asana is best for problem related to sleeping and also reduces obesity.
•Memory Becomes Sharp and fast.
In Sanskrit pad means leg and kamala means lotus .In this asana the shape of the legs are like a lotus hence this asana is known as Padmasana or Kamalasana .
•In this asana the concentration is on AAGYACHAKRA or ANAHATA CHAKRA
•Breath is in Rechak Purak and Kumbhak .
•Sit properly and straight in the plane surface.
•With performing RECHAK keep your right leg on your left THIGH and then keep left leg on your right THIGH
•PALATE are in upper direction and your HEEL is in down your NAVEL
•KNEES are on the surface and keep the Head, lungs, Backbone, Throat very straight and tight
•Both your hands is in Gyan Mudra
•After Rechak perform Kumbhak ,in starting if you are unable put your both legs on your thigh then do not need to be upset because this will be happen with little time .Just do your regular practice.
Key Words•This asana is not for patient having any problem related to legs or having any pain in the lower side
•Initiate from one minute and increase it to one hour.
•With the help of this asana the nervous system become strong and person achieve good health
•This asana removes dullness and increase your confidence, reduces the fear factor and mind become relaxed
•This asana is best for problem related to sleeping and also reduces obesity.
•Memory Becomes Sharp and fast.
• Lay flat on the stomach ,keep the toes flat on the ground and also the chin
• The hands are placed close to the body
• Slowly the right leg is raised and kept in the air for a while
• Lower the leg and pose is repeated with the lower leg
• This posture posture digestion, regulates bowel moment etc
• Salabhasan strengthens liver
• It also helps in strengthening any unnatural curves in spine
• People who suffers from HERNIA problem should not perform this asana
• This asana needs special attention to keep the legs tight and is said to be practiced only three to four rounds in starting
• The knees should not be folded or bent
• In the initial stages one should not force to retain asana
• For the beginner half locust pose is first advised and then practice the full locust pose
Asanas: 608 Yoga Poses
Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha/2008 Fourth Revised Edition
• Lay flat on the stomach ,keep the toes flat on the ground and also the chin
• The hands are placed close to the body
• Slowly the right leg is raised and kept in the air for a while
• Lower the leg and pose is repeated with the lower leg
• This posture posture digestion, regulates bowel moment etc
• Salabhasan strengthens liver
• It also helps in strengthening any unnatural curves in spine
• People who suffers from HERNIA problem should not perform this asana
• This asana needs special attention to keep the legs tight and is said to be practiced only three to four rounds in starting
• The knees should not be folded or bent
• In the initial stages one should not force to retain asana
• For the beginner half locust pose is first advised and then practice the full locust pose
Asanas: 608 Yoga Poses
Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha/2008 Fourth Revised Edition

MAYURASANA -The peacock pose
The meaning of peacock in Sanskrit is mayura, while doing this asana our body shape is like a peacock, hence this asana is known as mayurasana. In this asana one has to hold his whole body like a stick on both the elbows.
Technique for MAYURASANA
One should sit on both the balance, stretching out the fingers of the hand, place the palms on the ground. Then place the elbows softly on the either side of marine now slowly stretch both the legs to come a little forward , very softly raise the upper part of the body .The next step to straighten the legs like a stick. Hold the position for few seconds and this outcome MAYURASANA.
Important Points
•Mayurasana is a balancing pose and moreover all the weight of the body remains on
the navel, it should be practiced with care because quite possible one can loose balance.
•Jerks should be avoided.
Benefits of Mayurasana-
•It is beneficial for obesity problem
•It helps in clean constipation
•This asana is helpful for digestive organs which get rich blood supply
•Extra fat from belly is removed
•It also relieves stress
•This asana calm the brain and removes mild depression
•This asana is good for liver as well as the pancreas.
•It also helps in diabetes
•This asana strengthens our arms ,shoulders ,abdomen and back
•Any person having this pain should not practice this asana
•Person having cervical spondilitis should have avoid this asana
•Person having week wrists should not practice this asana
Yoga For Weight Loss for Beginners
Yoga For Beginners
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Here some of the important Yogasan are given that are very use full in our daily life-
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Blood Pressure
Q.What is blood pressure?
Blood pressure is the pressure of the blood against the walls of the arteries.
Blood pressure results from two forces.
One is created by the heart as it pumps blood into the arteries and through the circulatory system.
The other is the force of the arteries as they resist the blood flow.
Q.What do blood pressure numbers indicate?
A.The higher (systolic) number represents the pressure while the heart contracts to pump blood to the body.
The lower (diastolic) number represents the pressure when the heart relaxes between beats.
The systolic pressure is always stated first. For example: 118/76 (118 over 76); systolic = 118, diastolic = 76.
Blood pressure below 120 over 80 mmHg (millimeters of mercury) is considered optimal for adults. A systolic pressure of 120 to 139 mmHg or a diastolic pressure of 80 to 89 mmHg is considered "prehypertension" and needs to be watched carefully. A blood pressure reading of 140 over 90 or higher is considered elevated (high).
Q.How can I know that I have high blood pressure?
High blood pressure usually has no symptoms. In fact, many people have high blood pressure for years without knowing it. That's why it's called the "silent killer." Hypertension is the medical term for high blood pressure. It doesn't refer to being tense, nervous or hyperactive. You can be a calm, relaxed person and still have high blood pressure.
A single elevated blood pressure reading doesn't mean you have high blood pressure, but it's a sign that further observation is required. Ask your doctor how often to check it or have it checked. Certain diseases, such as kidney disease, can cause high blood pressure. In 90 to 95 percent of cases, the cause of high blood pressure is unknown.
The only way to find out if you have high blood pressure is to have your blood pressure checked. Your doctor or other qualified health professional should check your blood pressure at least once every two years, or more often if necessary.
Optimal blood pressure with respect to cardiovascular risk is less than 120/80 mm Hg. However, unusually low readings should be evaluated to rule out medical causes.
Natural Remedies For Blood Pressure
1.Take one or two pieces of Garlic early in the morning and take it with the empty stomach and then half a glass of water,this helps of reducing your BP.
2.If you are in high BP Condition then take half a cup lemon juice and mix it with half cup of water this will definetly reduce your blood pressure.
3.If your bp is high then just sleep in a position such that your right soldier is in upward condition.
This tips helps you reducing your BLOOD PRESSURE ,but in case if it not wotk then you suddenly refer to your doctor immediately.
You have to remember some more things related to blood pressure-
1.Reduce the salt content in your daily routein food.
1.Reduce the salt content in your daily routein food.
2.Do not take spicy food if you are a BP patient.
3.Dont climb more number of stairs because it increases your BP.
4.Before going to any work just take food which means do not go for work without taking food.
5.Always tale bath with water which is suitable to your body temperatue. By remembering this little things you are able to controll your BP.
7.Do not take spicy food if you are a BP patient.
8.Dont climb more number of stairs because it increases your BP.
9.Before going to any work just take food which means do not go for work without taking food.
10.Always tale bath with water which is suitable to your body temperatue. By remembering this little things you are able to controll your BP.
Yoga For Blood Pressure-
The problem of blood pressure can be controlled by doing yoga regularly early in the morning . The yoga named as ANULOM VILOM and KAPALBHARTI will definitely contoll your blood pressure .
Q.What is blood pressure?
Blood pressure is the pressure of the blood against the walls of the arteries.
Blood pressure results from two forces.
One is created by the heart as it pumps blood into the arteries and through the circulatory system.
The other is the force of the arteries as they resist the blood flow.
Q.What do blood pressure numbers indicate?
A.The higher (systolic) number represents the pressure while the heart contracts to pump blood to the body.
The lower (diastolic) number represents the pressure when the heart relaxes between beats.
The systolic pressure is always stated first. For example: 118/76 (118 over 76); systolic = 118, diastolic = 76.
Blood pressure below 120 over 80 mmHg (millimeters of mercury) is considered optimal for adults. A systolic pressure of 120 to 139 mmHg or a diastolic pressure of 80 to 89 mmHg is considered "prehypertension" and needs to be watched carefully. A blood pressure reading of 140 over 90 or higher is considered elevated (high).
Q.How can I know that I have high blood pressure?
High blood pressure usually has no symptoms. In fact, many people have high blood pressure for years without knowing it. That's why it's called the "silent killer." Hypertension is the medical term for high blood pressure. It doesn't refer to being tense, nervous or hyperactive. You can be a calm, relaxed person and still have high blood pressure.
A single elevated blood pressure reading doesn't mean you have high blood pressure, but it's a sign that further observation is required. Ask your doctor how often to check it or have it checked. Certain diseases, such as kidney disease, can cause high blood pressure. In 90 to 95 percent of cases, the cause of high blood pressure is unknown.
The only way to find out if you have high blood pressure is to have your blood pressure checked. Your doctor or other qualified health professional should check your blood pressure at least once every two years, or more often if necessary.
Optimal blood pressure with respect to cardiovascular risk is less than 120/80 mm Hg. However, unusually low readings should be evaluated to rule out medical causes.
Natural Remedies For Blood Pressure
1.Take one or two pieces of Garlic early in the morning and take it with the empty stomach and then half a glass of water,this helps of reducing your BP.
2.If you are in high BP Condition then take half a cup lemon juice and mix it with half cup of water this will definetly reduce your blood pressure.
3.If your bp is high then just sleep in a position such that your right soldier is in upward condition.
This tips helps you reducing your BLOOD PRESSURE ,but in case if it not wotk then you suddenly refer to your doctor immediately.
You have to remember some more things related to blood pressure-
1.Reduce the salt content in your daily routein food.
1.Reduce the salt content in your daily routein food.
2.Do not take spicy food if you are a BP patient.
3.Dont climb more number of stairs because it increases your BP.
4.Before going to any work just take food which means do not go for work without taking food.
5.Always tale bath with water which is suitable to your body temperatue. By remembering this little things you are able to controll your BP.
7.Do not take spicy food if you are a BP patient.
8.Dont climb more number of stairs because it increases your BP.
9.Before going to any work just take food which means do not go for work without taking food.
10.Always tale bath with water which is suitable to your body temperatue. By remembering this little things you are able to controll your BP.
Yoga For Blood Pressure-
The problem of blood pressure can be controlled by doing yoga regularly early in the morning . The yoga named as ANULOM VILOM and KAPALBHARTI will definitely contoll your blood pressure .
Weak Memory Power
Weak Memory Power:
Take seven pieses of almond and dip it in glass Tumbler(Kaach ke bartan) having filled with water and remain it filled for whole night .Now In early morning take out the outer layer(Rind) of almond and make the powder of remaining portion .If Your eye site is poor then also mix four pieces of black pepper in it.Mix this powder With 250 gm. boiling milk and after three boils take it down and mix it with one tea spoon pure clarifid butter and two tea spoon sugar and now remain it cool,when it is become drincable then take this according to your need i.e.fifteen to fourty days.This milk improves the weak memory power.
The almond is good for cold season and good for person whose work related with memory and for the students,Take it early in the morning with empty stomach and after taking this milk donot take food for next 2 hours.
Take seven pieses of almond and dip it in glass Tumbler(Kaach ke bartan) having filled with water and remain it filled for whole night .Now In early morning take out the outer layer(Rind) of almond and make the powder of remaining portion .If Your eye site is poor then also mix four pieces of black pepper in it.Mix this powder With 250 gm. boiling milk and after three boils take it down and mix it with one tea spoon pure clarifid butter and two tea spoon sugar and now remain it cool,when it is become drincable then take this according to your need i.e.fifteen to fourty days.This milk improves the weak memory power.
The almond is good for cold season and good for person whose work related with memory and for the students,Take it early in the morning with empty stomach and after taking this milk donot take food for next 2 hours.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Eating APPLE in the morning with out eating any other thing will calm you down.This is Very Useful for the Person Who becomes angry in very little little things.
Enuresis (Bed-Wetting)
Q. What is enuresis or bed wetting?
A. Enuresis is the medical term for bed-wetting during sleep.
Bed-wetting is fairly common and is often just a developmental stage.
Bed-wetting is more common among boys than girls.
Q.Causes of bed-wetting?
A.Some of the causes of bed-wetting
•Genetic factors which depend on the family
•Difficulties waking up from sleep
•Slower than normal development of the central nervous system (which reduces the child's ability to stop the bladder from emptying at night)
•Hormonal factors (not enough antidiuretic hormone is produced, which is the hormone that slows urine production at night)
•Urinary tract infections
•Abnormalities in the urethral valves in boys or in the ureter in girls or boys
•Abnormalities in the spinal cord
•A small bladder
Bed wetting is not a big problem it happens in child when the chind unable to feel the symptom to go bathroom during sleep
Q. When do most children achieve bladder control?
A.Children achieve bladder control at different ages. By the age of 6 years, most children no longer urinate in their sleep. Bed-wetting up to the age of 6 is not unusual, even though it may be frustrating to parents. Treating a child for bed-wetting before the age of 6 is not usually necessary.
Return to top
Q.What are the treatments for bed-wetting?Most children outgrow bed-
A.Some behavioral treatments include the following:
•Limit fluids before bedtime which means do not to take fluid just before the slip.
•Have your child go to the bathroom at the beginning of the bedtime routine and then again right before going to sleep.
•An alarm system that rings when the bed gets wet and teaches the child to respond to bladder sensations at night.
•A reward system for dry nights.
•Asking your child to change the bed sheets when he or she wets.
•Bladder training: having your child practice holding his or her urine for longer and longer times during the day, in effort to stretch the bladder so it can hold more urine.
Q.How can I help my child cope with wetting the bed?
A.Bed-wetting can lead to behavior problems because of the guilt and embarrassment a child feels. It's true that your child should take responsibility for bed-wetting (this could mean having your child help with the laundry). But your child shouldn't be made to feel guilty about something he or she cannot control. It's important for your child to know that bed-wetting isn't his or her "fault." Punishing your child for wetting the bed will not solve the problem.
It may help your child to know that no one knows the exact cause of bed-wetting. Explain that it tends to run in families (for example, if you wet the bed as a child, you should share that information with your child).
Remind your child that it's okay to use the bathroom during the night. Place nightlights leading to the bathroom so your child can easily find his or her way. You may also cover your child's mattress with a plastic cover to make cleanup easier. If accidents occur, praise your child for trying and for helping clean up.
Q. What is enuresis or bed wetting?
A. Enuresis is the medical term for bed-wetting during sleep.
Bed-wetting is fairly common and is often just a developmental stage.
Bed-wetting is more common among boys than girls.
Q.Causes of bed-wetting?
A.Some of the causes of bed-wetting
•Genetic factors which depend on the family
•Difficulties waking up from sleep
•Slower than normal development of the central nervous system (which reduces the child's ability to stop the bladder from emptying at night)
•Hormonal factors (not enough antidiuretic hormone is produced, which is the hormone that slows urine production at night)
•Urinary tract infections
•Abnormalities in the urethral valves in boys or in the ureter in girls or boys
•Abnormalities in the spinal cord
•A small bladder
Bed wetting is not a big problem it happens in child when the chind unable to feel the symptom to go bathroom during sleep
Q. When do most children achieve bladder control?
A.Children achieve bladder control at different ages. By the age of 6 years, most children no longer urinate in their sleep. Bed-wetting up to the age of 6 is not unusual, even though it may be frustrating to parents. Treating a child for bed-wetting before the age of 6 is not usually necessary.
Return to top
Q.What are the treatments for bed-wetting?Most children outgrow bed-
A.Some behavioral treatments include the following:
•Limit fluids before bedtime which means do not to take fluid just before the slip.
•Have your child go to the bathroom at the beginning of the bedtime routine and then again right before going to sleep.
•An alarm system that rings when the bed gets wet and teaches the child to respond to bladder sensations at night.
•A reward system for dry nights.
•Asking your child to change the bed sheets when he or she wets.
•Bladder training: having your child practice holding his or her urine for longer and longer times during the day, in effort to stretch the bladder so it can hold more urine.
Q.How can I help my child cope with wetting the bed?
A.Bed-wetting can lead to behavior problems because of the guilt and embarrassment a child feels. It's true that your child should take responsibility for bed-wetting (this could mean having your child help with the laundry). But your child shouldn't be made to feel guilty about something he or she cannot control. It's important for your child to know that bed-wetting isn't his or her "fault." Punishing your child for wetting the bed will not solve the problem.
It may help your child to know that no one knows the exact cause of bed-wetting. Explain that it tends to run in families (for example, if you wet the bed as a child, you should share that information with your child).
Remind your child that it's okay to use the bathroom during the night. Place nightlights leading to the bathroom so your child can easily find his or her way. You may also cover your child's mattress with a plastic cover to make cleanup easier. If accidents occur, praise your child for trying and for helping clean up.
Introduction to burns
The skin has an important role to play in the fluid and temperature regulation of the body. If enough skin area is injured, the ability to maintain that control can be lost. The skin also acts as a protective barrier against the bacteria and viruses that inhabit the world outside the body.
The anatomy of the skin is complex, and there are many structures within the layers of the skin. There are three layers:
- Epidermis, the outer layer of the skin
- Dermis, made up of collagen and elastic fibers and where nerves, blood vessels, sweat glands, and hair follicles reside.
- Hypodermis or subcutaneous tissue, where larger blood vessels and nerves are located. This is the layer of tissue that is most important in temperature regulation.
The amount of damage that a burn can cause depends upon its location, its depth, and how much body surface area that it involves.
How are burns classified?
Burns are classified based upon their depth.
A first degree burn is superficial and causes local inflammation of the skin. Sunburns often are categorized as first degree burns. The inflammation is characterized by pain, redness, and a mild amount of swelling. The skin may be very tender to touch.
Second degree burns are deeper and in addition to the pain, redness and inflammation, there is also blistering of the skin.
Third degree burns are deeper still, involving all layers of the skin, in effect killing that area of skin. Because the nerves and blood vessels are damaged, third degree burns appear white and leathery and tend to be relatively painless.
Burns are not static and may mature. Over a few hours a first degree burn may involve deeper structures and become second degree. Think of a sunburn that blisters the next day. Similarly, second degree burns may evolve into third degree burns.
Regardless of the type of burn, inflammation and fluid accumulation in and around the wound occur. Moreover, it should be noted that the skin is the body's first defense against infection by microorganisms. A burn is also a break in the skin, and the risk of infection exists both at the site of the injury and potentially throughout the body.
Only the epidermis has the ability to regenerate itself. Burns that extend deeper may cause permanent injury and scarring and not allow the skin in that area to return to normal function.
First Aid
Regardless of the cause, the first step in managing a person with a burn is to stop the burning process at the source, and cool the burn wound (but not the patient. It is essential to avoid the "lethal triad" of hypothermia, acidosis and coagulopathy). For instance, with dry powder burns, the powder should be brushed off first. With other burns the affected area should be rinsed thoroughly with a large amount of clean water. Cold water should not be applied to a person with extensive burns for a prolonged period (greater than 20 minutes), however, as it may result in hypothermia. Do not directly apply ice to a burn wound as it may compound the injury. Iced water, creams, or greasy substances such as butter, shouldn't be applied either
Q.What Is Bronchitis?
It is an inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes, the airways that connect the trachea (windpipe) to the lungs. This delicate, mucus-producing lining covers and protects the respiratory system, the organs and tissues involved in breathing. When a person has bronchitis, it may be harder for air to pass in and out of the lungs than it normally would, the tissues become irritated and more mucus is produced. The most common symptom of bronchitis is a cough.
When you breathe in (inhale), small, bristly hairs near the openings of your nostrils filter out dust, pollen, and other airborne particles. Bits that slip through become attached to the mucus membrane, which has tiny, hair-like structures called cilia on its surface. But sometimes germs get through the cilia and other defense systems in the respiratory tract and can cause illness.
Q.Can it be Cronic?
Bronchitis can be acute or chronic. An acute medical condition comes on quickly and can cause severe symptoms, but it lasts only a short time (no longer than a few weeks). Acute bronchitis is most often caused by one of a number of viruses that can infect the respiratory tract and attack the bronchial tubes. Infection by certain bacteria can also cause acute bronchitis. Most people have acute bronchitis at some point in their lives.
Chronic bronchitis, on the other hand, can be mild to severe and is longer lasting — from several months to years. With chronic bronchitis, the bronchial tubes continue to be inflamed (red and swollen), irritated, and produce excessive mucus over time. The most common cause of chronic bronchitis is smoking.
People who have chronic bronchitis are more susceptible to bacterial infections of the airway and lungs, like pneumonia. (In some people with chronic bronchitis, the airway becomes permanently infected with bacteria.) Pneumonia is more common among smokers and people who are exposed to secondhand smoke
Q.what are the Cause of Bronchitis?
Bronchitis occurs most often during the cold and flu season, usually coupled with an upper respiratory infection.
•Several viruses cause bronchitis, including influenza A and B, commonly referred to as "the flu."
•A number of bacteria are also known to cause bronchitis, such as Mycoplasma pneumoniae, which causes so-called walking pneumonia.
•Bronchitis also can occur when you inhale irritating fumes or dusts. Chemical solvents and smoke, including tobacco smoke, have been linked to acute bronchitis.
•People at increased risk both of getting bronchitis and of having more severe symptoms include the elderly, those with weakened immune systems, smokers, and anyone with repeated exposure to lung irritants.
Q.What are the its symptoms?
Production of mucus (sputum), either clear or white or yellowish-gray or green in color
Shortness of breath, made worse by mild exertion
Slight fever and chills
Chest discomfort
Q. What are the dos and donts in it?
•Don't smoke.
•Don't allow others to smoke in your home.
•Stay away from or reduce your time around things that irritate your nose, throat, and lungs, such as dust or pets.
•If you catch a cold, get plenty of rest.
•Take your medicine exactly the way your doctor tells you.
•Eat a healthy diet.
•Wash your hands often.
•Do not share food, cups, glasses, or eating utensils.
Q.How Do I Know if I Have It?
Tests are usually unnecessary in the case of acute bronchitis, as the disease is easy to detect from your medical history and on examination. Your doctor will simply use a stethoscope to listen for the rattling sound in your lungs' upper airways that typically accompanies the problem.
In cases of chronic bronchitis, the doctor will almost certainly augment these procedures with an X-ray of your chest to check the extent of the lung damage, as well as with pulmonary function tests to measure how well your lungs are working.
Q.What Are the Treatments?
Conventional treatment for acute bronchitis may consist of simple measures such as getting plenty of rest, drinking lots of fluids, avoiding smoke and fumes, and possibly getting a prescription for an inhaled bronchodilator and/or cough syrup. In severe cases of chronic bronchitis, inhaled or oral steroids to reduce inflammation and/or supplemental oxygen may be necessary. Alternative choices, by and large, help relieve the accompanying discomfort but do not treat infections
Q.what are the test for this?
Use a stethoscope to listen for wheezing and other abnormal sounds in your lungs
Have you get a chest X-ray
Have you undergo blood tests
Analyze a sputum culture — a test that checks for the presence of bacteria in sputum produced when you cough
Have you take a pulmonary function test (PFT), to rule out other causes for your symptoms
It is an inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes, the airways that connect the trachea (windpipe) to the lungs. This delicate, mucus-producing lining covers and protects the respiratory system, the organs and tissues involved in breathing. When a person has bronchitis, it may be harder for air to pass in and out of the lungs than it normally would, the tissues become irritated and more mucus is produced. The most common symptom of bronchitis is a cough.
When you breathe in (inhale), small, bristly hairs near the openings of your nostrils filter out dust, pollen, and other airborne particles. Bits that slip through become attached to the mucus membrane, which has tiny, hair-like structures called cilia on its surface. But sometimes germs get through the cilia and other defense systems in the respiratory tract and can cause illness.
Q.Can it be Cronic?
Bronchitis can be acute or chronic. An acute medical condition comes on quickly and can cause severe symptoms, but it lasts only a short time (no longer than a few weeks). Acute bronchitis is most often caused by one of a number of viruses that can infect the respiratory tract and attack the bronchial tubes. Infection by certain bacteria can also cause acute bronchitis. Most people have acute bronchitis at some point in their lives.
Chronic bronchitis, on the other hand, can be mild to severe and is longer lasting — from several months to years. With chronic bronchitis, the bronchial tubes continue to be inflamed (red and swollen), irritated, and produce excessive mucus over time. The most common cause of chronic bronchitis is smoking.
People who have chronic bronchitis are more susceptible to bacterial infections of the airway and lungs, like pneumonia. (In some people with chronic bronchitis, the airway becomes permanently infected with bacteria.) Pneumonia is more common among smokers and people who are exposed to secondhand smoke
Q.what are the Cause of Bronchitis?
Bronchitis occurs most often during the cold and flu season, usually coupled with an upper respiratory infection.
•Several viruses cause bronchitis, including influenza A and B, commonly referred to as "the flu."
•A number of bacteria are also known to cause bronchitis, such as Mycoplasma pneumoniae, which causes so-called walking pneumonia.
•Bronchitis also can occur when you inhale irritating fumes or dusts. Chemical solvents and smoke, including tobacco smoke, have been linked to acute bronchitis.
•People at increased risk both of getting bronchitis and of having more severe symptoms include the elderly, those with weakened immune systems, smokers, and anyone with repeated exposure to lung irritants.
Q.What are the its symptoms?
Production of mucus (sputum), either clear or white or yellowish-gray or green in color
Shortness of breath, made worse by mild exertion
Slight fever and chills
Chest discomfort
Q. What are the dos and donts in it?
•Don't smoke.
•Don't allow others to smoke in your home.
•Stay away from or reduce your time around things that irritate your nose, throat, and lungs, such as dust or pets.
•If you catch a cold, get plenty of rest.
•Take your medicine exactly the way your doctor tells you.
•Eat a healthy diet.
•Wash your hands often.
•Do not share food, cups, glasses, or eating utensils.
Q.How Do I Know if I Have It?
Tests are usually unnecessary in the case of acute bronchitis, as the disease is easy to detect from your medical history and on examination. Your doctor will simply use a stethoscope to listen for the rattling sound in your lungs' upper airways that typically accompanies the problem.
In cases of chronic bronchitis, the doctor will almost certainly augment these procedures with an X-ray of your chest to check the extent of the lung damage, as well as with pulmonary function tests to measure how well your lungs are working.
Q.What Are the Treatments?
Conventional treatment for acute bronchitis may consist of simple measures such as getting plenty of rest, drinking lots of fluids, avoiding smoke and fumes, and possibly getting a prescription for an inhaled bronchodilator and/or cough syrup. In severe cases of chronic bronchitis, inhaled or oral steroids to reduce inflammation and/or supplemental oxygen may be necessary. Alternative choices, by and large, help relieve the accompanying discomfort but do not treat infections
Q.what are the test for this?
Use a stethoscope to listen for wheezing and other abnormal sounds in your lungs
Have you get a chest X-ray
Have you undergo blood tests
Analyze a sputum culture — a test that checks for the presence of bacteria in sputum produced when you cough
Have you take a pulmonary function test (PFT), to rule out other causes for your symptoms
Ear Pain
Ear Pain:
Take one or two bud of a garlic and takeout its rind.Now put it into two tea spoon mustard oil
and then warm it slowly slowley .When the colour of garlic is become a little black then remove the solution from the gas and chan it with thin cloth and put this solution one or two drops in ear with the help of cotton .This Stops Ear pain.
If any Mosquito is inside the ear then with this solution it will die and came out from the ear.
Other options:
Take the zest of anion make it little hot and put down 2-3 drops of this solution ,the pain will gone in few secondes.
This helps in reducing high pitch Hearing ,and avoidable noices in the Ear.
Take one or two bud of a garlic and takeout its rind.Now put it into two tea spoon mustard oil
and then warm it slowly slowley .When the colour of garlic is become a little black then remove the solution from the gas and chan it with thin cloth and put this solution one or two drops in ear with the help of cotton .This Stops Ear pain.
If any Mosquito is inside the ear then with this solution it will die and came out from the ear.
Other options:
Take the zest of anion make it little hot and put down 2-3 drops of this solution ,the pain will gone in few secondes.
This helps in reducing high pitch Hearing ,and avoidable noices in the Ear.
Sty Eye
1.Take Tamarind's beej and make its powder and now just put this paste in your pimples.This gives coldness and the this disease is gone with in few hours.Not only for present but also for Future the disease will be gone.
2.Take out the rind of orange make it dry and then make its powder.Now make paste with the help of water according to your need and just massage this paste in your sty and pimples .This will help you to reduce your pimples.
Before using Tamarind beej wet it with water with three days and take out the rind.
To Stop sty from rising again and again:
1.Drink Trifalla Day And Night with cow milk,this stops sty .Take according to your need i.e.for one or two week.
2.Clean your private part regularly.
1.Take Tamarind's beej and make its powder and now just put this paste in your pimples.This gives coldness and the this disease is gone with in few hours.Not only for present but also for Future the disease will be gone.
2.Take out the rind of orange make it dry and then make its powder.Now make paste with the help of water according to your need and just massage this paste in your sty and pimples .This will help you to reduce your pimples.
Before using Tamarind beej wet it with water with three days and take out the rind.
To Stop sty from rising again and again:
1.Drink Trifalla Day And Night with cow milk,this stops sty .Take according to your need i.e.for one or two week.
2.Clean your private part regularly.
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