1. Air
2. Earth
3. Fire
4. Sky
5. Water
The sum of this elements can make person sant and the person can able to get everything he want in his life.so it always helpful for us to do yoga in our daily life everyday just for few minutes.
If u are a beginner u have to follow certain rules & regulations before starting the yoga as:
1.Before doing yoga make sure that you can not take food before & after 3 hours.
2.Always do yoga in a healthy environment conditions so that u take full advantages.
3.Always use right techniques and tips.
4.During yoga if you bend then your breath is outside while during stretching take your breath inside.
4. Use a thin cloth & lay it down to earth surface & then do your yoga posture,this is required so that the energy produced during yoga is remain in your body.
5.During yoga not to wear tight clothes.
6.Always take your breath in your lungs not in your stomach.
7.Make sure that you perform yoga in plane earth surface.